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Miscellaneous: In-Vitro

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Development of an Improved Adenovirus Vector and Its Application to the Treatment of Lifestyle-Related Diseases

Shimizu K.
Development of an Improved Adenovirus Vector and Its Application to the Treatment of Lifestyle-Related Diseases. Biol Pharm Bull. 2024;47(5):886-894. doi: 10.1248/bpb.b23-00837. PMID: 38692864

The number of patients with lifestyle-related diseases such as type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD), formerly known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), has continued to increase worldwide. Therefore, development of innovative therapeutic methods targeting lifestyle-related diseases is required. Gene therapy has attracted considerable attention as an advanced medical treatment. Safe and high-performance vectors are essential for the practical application of gene therapy. Replication-incompetent adenovirus (Ad) vectors are widely used in clinical gene therapy and basic research. Here, we developed a novel Ad vector, named Ad-E4-122aT, exhibiting higher and longer-term transgene expression and lower hepatotoxicity than conventional Ad vectors. We also elucidated the mechanisms underlying Ad vector-induced hepatotoxicity during the early phase using Ad-E4-122aT. Next, we examined the therapeutic effects of the genes of interest, namely zinc finger AN1-type domain 3 (ZFAND3), lipoprotein lipase (LPL), and lysophospholipid acyltransferase 10 (LPLAT10), on lifestyle-related diseases using Ad-E4-122aT. We showed that the overexpression of ZFAND3 in the liver improved glucose tolerance and insulin resistance. Liver-specific LPL overexpression suppressed hepatic lipid accumulation and improved glucose metabolism. LPLAT10 overexpression in the liver suppressed postprandial hyperglycemia by increasing glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. Furthermore, we also focused on foods to advance research on the pathophysiology and treatment of lifestyle-related diseases. Cranberry and calamondin, which are promising functional foods, attenuated the progression of MASLD/NAFLD. Our findings will aid the development of new therapeutic methods, including gene therapy, for lifestyle-related diseases such as T2DM and MASLD/NAFLD.

A Cranberry Concentrate Decreases Adhesion and Invasion of Escherichia coli (AIEC) LF82 In Vitro.

Zhang D, Verstrepen L, De Medts J, Duysburgh C, Van den Abbeele P, Marzorati M, Khoo C
Pathogens. 10(9), 2021 Sep 18

While many beneficial host-microbiota interactions have been described, imbalanced microbiota in the gut is speculated to contribute to the progression and recurrence of chronic inflammatory diseases such as Crohn's disease (CD). This in vitro study evaluated the impact of a cranberry concentrate Type M (CTM) on adherent-invasive Escherichia coli (AIEC) LF82, a pathobiont associated with CD. Different stages of pathogenic infection were investigated: (i) colonization of the mucus layer, and (ii) adhesion to and (iii) invasion of the epithelial cells. Following 48 h of fecal batch incubation, 0.5 and 1 mM of CTM significantly altered AIEC LF82 levels in a simulated mucus layer, resulting in a decrease of 50.5% in the untreated blank, down to 43.0% and 11.4%, respectively. At 1 mM of CTM, the significant decrease in the levels of AIEC LF82 coincided with a stimulation of the metabolic activity of the background microbiota. The increased levels of health-associated acetate (+7.9 mM) and propionate levels (+3.5 mM) suggested selective utilization of CTM by host microorganisms. Furthermore, 1 mM of both fermented and unfermented CTM decreased the adhesion and invasion of human-derived epithelial Caco-2 cells by AIEC LF82. Altogether, this exploratory in vitro study demonstrates the prebiotic potential of CTM and supports its antipathogenic effects through direct and/or indirect modulation of the gut microbiome.

Cranberry Juice Extract Rapidly Protects Demineralized Dentin against Digestion and Inhibits Its Gelatinolytic Activity.

Wang Y, Green A, Yao X, Liu H, Nisar S, Gorski JP, Hass V
Materials. 14(13), 2021

Improving the longevity of composite restorations has proven to be difficult when they are bonded to dentin. Dentin demineralization leaves collagen fibrils susceptible to enzymatic digestion, which causes breakdown of the resin-dentin interface. Therefore, measures for counteracting the enzymatic environment by enhancing dentin collagen's resistance to degradation have the potential to improve the durability of dental composite restorations. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of polyphenol-rich extracts and a chemical cross-linker on the cross-linking interaction, resistance to digestion, and endogenous matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activities of dentin collagen under clinically relevant conditions. Ten-microm-thick films were cut from dentin slabs of non-carious extracted human third molars. Following demineralization, polyphenol-rich extracts-including grape seed (GSE), green tea (GTE), and cranberry juice (CJE)-or chemical cross-linker carbodiimide with n-hydroxysuccinimide (EDC/NHS) were applied to the demineralized dentin surfaces for 30 s. The collagen cross-linking, bio-stabilization, and gelatinolytic activities of MMPs 2 and 9 were studied by using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, weight loss, hydroxyproline release, scanning/transmission electron microscopy, and in situ zymography. All treatments significantly increased resistance to collagenase degradation and reduced the gelatinolytic MMP activity of dentin collagen compared to the untreated control. The CJE- and GSE-treated groups were more resistant to digestion than the GTE- or EDC/NHS-treated ones (p < 0.05), which was consistent with the cross-linking interaction found with FTIR and the in situ performance on the acid-etched dentin surface found with SEM/TEM. The collagen films treated with CJE showed the lowest MMP activity, followed by GSE, GTE, and, finally, EDC/NHS. The CJE-treated dentin collagen rapidly increased its resistance to digestion and MMP inhibition. An application of CJE as short as 30 s may be a clinically feasible approach to improving the longevity of dentin bonding in composite restorations.


Cranberry proanthocyanidins and dietary oligosaccharides synergistically modulate Lactobacillus plantarum physiology

Ozcan, E., Rozycki, M. R., Sela, D. A.
Microorganisms 2021. 9(3).

Plant-based foods contain bioactive compounds such as polyphenols that resist digestion and potentially benefit the host through interactions with their resident microbiota. Based on previous observations, we hypothesized that the probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum interacts with cranberry polyphenols and dietary oligosaccharides to synergistically impact its physiology. In this study, L. plantarum ATCC BAA-793 was grown on dietary oligosaccharides, including cranberry xyloglucans, fructooligosaccharides, and human milk oligosaccharides, in conjunction with proanthocyanidins (PACs) extracted from cranberries. As a result, L. plantarum exhibits a differential physiological response to cranberry PACs dependent on the carbohydrate source and polyphenol fraction introduced. Of the two PAC extracts evaluated, the PAC1 fraction contains higher concentrations of PACs and increased growth regardless of the oligosaccharide, whereas PAC2 positively modulates its growth during xyloglucan metabolism. Interestingly, fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are efficiently utilized in the presence of PAC1, as this L. plantarum strain does not utilize this substrate typically. Relative to glucose, oligosaccharide metabolism increases the ratio of secreted acetic acid to lactic acid. The PAC2 fraction differentially increases this ratio during cranberry xyloglucan fermentation compared with PAC1. The global transcriptome links the expression of putative polyphenol degradation genes and networks and metabolic phenotypes.


Identification of A-Type Proanthocyanidins in Cranberry-Based Foods and Dietary Supplements by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry, First Action Method: 2019.05.

Esquivel-Alvarado D, Alfaro-Viquez E, Krueger CG, Vestling MM, Reed JD
Journal of AOAC International. 104(1):223-231, 2021

BACKGROUND: Cranberry proanthocyanidins (c-PAC) are oligomeric structures of flavan-3-ol units, which possess A-type interflavan bonds. c-PAC differs from other botanical sources because other PAC mostly have B-type interflavan bonds. Cranberry products used to alleviate and prevent urinary tract infections may suffer from adulteration, where c-PAC are replaced with less expensive botanical sources of PAC that contain B-type interflavan bonds.OBJECTIVE: Identifying the presence of A-type interflavan bonds in cranberry fruit and dietary supplements.METHODS: Thirty-five samples reported to contain A-type PAC (cranberry fruit and cranberry products) and 36 samples reported to contain B-type PAC (other botanical sources) were identified and differentiated using MALDI-TOF MS, deconvolution of overlapping isotope patterns, and principal component analysis (PCA).RESULTS: Our results show that both MALDI-TOF MS and deconvolution of overlapping isotope patterns were able to identify the presence of A-type interflavan bonds with a probability greater than 90% and a confidence of 95%. Deconvolution of MALDI-TOF MS spectra also determined the ratio of A-type to B-type interflavan bonds at each degree of polymerization in cranberry fruit and cranberry products, which is a distinguishing feature of c-PAC in comparison to other botanical sources of PAC. PCA shows clear differences based on the nature of the interflavan bonds.CONCLUSIONS: MALDI-TOF MS, deconvolution of overlapping isotope patterns of MALDI-TOF MS spectra, and PCA allow the identification, estimation, and differentiation of A-type interflavan bonds in cranberry-based foods and dietary supplements among other botanical sources containing mostly B-type interflavan bonds.

Ulcerative colitis results in differential metabolism of cranberry polyphenols by the colon microbiome in vitro

Sirven, M. A., Venancio, V. P., Shankar, S., Klemashevich, C., Castellon-Chicas, M. J., Fang Chuo, Mertens-Talcott, S. U., Talcott, S. T.
Food and Function 2021. 12(24):12751-12764.

The microbiome plays a major role in polyphenol metabolism, producing metabolites that are bioavailable and potentially more bioactive than the compounds from which they are derived. However, the microbiome can vary among individuals, and especially for those with co-morbidities, such as ulcerative colitis. In subjects with ulcerative colitis, the consequence of a 'dysbiotic' microbiome is characterized by decreased diversity of microbiota that may impact their capability to metabolize polyphenols into bioavailable metabolites. On this premise, the microbiome metabolism of cranberry polyphenols between healthy individuals and those with ulcerative colitis was compared in vitro. Fecal samples from volunteers, with or without diagnosed ulcerative colitis, were cultured anaerobically in the presence of cranberry polyphenols. The resulting metabolites were then quantified via LC-ESI-MS/MS. 16S rRNA metagenomics analysis was also utilized to assess differences in microbiota composition between healthy and ulcerative colitis microbiomes and the modulatory effects of cranberry polyphenols on microbiota composition. Healthy microbiomes produced higher (p < 0.05) concentrations of 5-(3',4'-dihydroxyphenyl)-gamma-valerolactone and 3-hydroxyphenylacetic acid in comparison to ulcerative colitis microbiomes. Additionally, healthy microbiomes contained a higher (p < 0.05) abundance of Ruminococcaceae, which could explain their ability to produce higher concentrations of cranberry polyphenol metabolites. Health status and the presence of cranberry polyphenols also significantly impacted the production of several short-chain and branched-chain fatty acids. These results suggest that efficiency of polyphenol metabolism is dependent on microbiota composition and future works should include metabolite data to account for inter-individual differences in polyphenol metabolism.


Combination of different probiotics and berry-derived (poly)phenols can modulate immune response in dendritic cells

Taverniti, Valentina; Del Bo, Cristian; Fiore, Walter; Gargari, Giorgio; Arioli, Stefania; Riso, Patrizia; Guglielmetti, Simone; Frokiaer, Hanne
JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL FOODS 94:105121. 10.1016/j.jff.2022.105121

The immunomodulatory potential of probiotics and (poly)phenols (PP) is recognized; however, studies regarding microorganisms-PP synergisms are yet to be explored. Here, we investigated the cooperation between probiotics and berry-derived PP extracts in modulating the cytokine responses in dendritic cells. Bacteria elicited immune responses in a strain-dependent manner. PP extracts showed different modulation of cytokine triggered by bacteria. Also with LPS, used as pro-inflammatory stimulus, PP from blueberry (BB) and cranberry (CB) most efficiently reduced IL12 production. L. paracasei LPC-S01 and B. bifidum MIMBb23sg resulted the best bacterial association in abrogating IL12 and increasing IL10. The use of PP fraction from BB50f and CB1 with the LPC-S01 + MIMBb23sg association resulted the most efficient combinations in terms of anti-inflammatory activity. These results provide bases for further investigation in vivo, in the perspective to develop food supplements that might conceivably deliver the single and combined benefits of probiotics and berry (poly)phenols.


Cranberry juice polyphenols inhibited the formation of advanced glycation end products in collagens, inhibited advanced glycation end product-induced collagen crosslinking, and cleaved the formed crosslinks.

Chang HaoTian; Johnson, E.; Khoo, C.; Wang WeiXin; Gu LiWei
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry; 2022. 70(49):15560-15569

Collagens in the human skin are susceptible to glycation due to their long half-life of about 15 years, accumulating advanced glycation end products (AGEs). The formation of AGEs and the subsequent AGE-induced collagen crosslinking are major factors for skin aging. The objective of this study was to determine the capacity of cranberry juice polyphenols (CJPs) and their fractions to inhibit collagen glycation and to break AGE-induced crosslinks in collagens. Concentrated cranberry juice was extracted to obtain the CJP, which was further fractionated into an ethyl acetate fraction, water fraction, 30% methanol (MeOH) fraction, 60% MeOH fraction, MeOH fraction, and acetone fraction. CJPs and their fractions contained different ratios of anthocyanins, procyanidins, and flavonols. All the fractions significantly inhibited collagen glycation assessed with the collagen-methylglyoxal (MGO) or collagen-dehydroascorbic acid (DHAA) assays. The ethyl acetate fraction and 60% MeOH had the lowest IC50 values in the collagen-MGO and collagen-DHAA assays. The methanol fraction (IC50 = 0.52 g/mL) and acetone fraction (IC50 = 0.019 mg/mL) had the lowest IC50 values in the inhibition and breakage of AGE-induced collagen crosslinking, respectively. The ethyl acetate fraction significantly scavenged the highest amount of MGO and DHAA after incubation compared to the other fractions. Results suggested that procyanidins were the most effective antiglycation agent in both collagen glycation assays, followed by flavonols and anthocyanins. High-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry showed that the reactions of DHAA with quercetin or epicatechin formed several adducts with unreported proposed structures. This study suggested that CJPs may be used as active ingredients in cosmetics to prevent skin collagen glycation and crosslinking and to break the formed crosslinks.


Fiber-Rich Cranberry Pomace as Food Ingredient with Functional Activity for Yogurt Production

Varnaite, Laurita; Kersiene, Milda; Sipailiene, Ausra; Kazernaviciute, Rita; Venskutonis, Petras Rimantas; Leskauskaite, Daiva
FOODS 11;5:758. 10.3390/foods11050758

In this study, different amounts (from 2% to 4.5%) of dietary fiber-rich cranberry pomace (CP) were added to yogurt before or after fermentation to increase dietary fiber content without changing the textural properties of the product. The addition of CP reduced whey loss, improved the firmness and viscosity, increased the total phenol compound content and the antioxidant capacity values (DPPH center dot, ABTS, and ORAC) of the yogurt in a dose-dependent manner, and had no significant effect on the viability of the yogurt culture bacteria. For all CP-supplemented yogurt samples, the bioaccessibility index of the polyphenols after in vitro intestinal phase digestion was approximately 90%. However, yogurt with CP added before fermentation exhibited a significantly (p < 0.05) lower degree of protein hydrolysis post-gastric and post-intestinal than the yogurt with CP added after fermentation. Yogurt supplemented with 4.5% CP could be considered a good antioxidant dairy product and a good source of dietary fiber.

Neuroprotective Effects of Cranberry Juice Treatment in a Rat Model of Parkinson's Disease

Witucki, Lukasz; Kurpik, Monika; Jakubowski, Hieronim; Szulc, Michal; Mikolajczak, Przemyslaw Lukasz; Jodynis-Liebert, Jadwiga; Kujawska, Malgorzata
NUTRIENTS 14;10:2014. 10.3390/nu14102014

Rich in polyphenols, cranberry juice (CJ) with high antioxidant activity is believed to contribute to various health benefits. However, our knowledge of the neuroprotective potential of cranberries is limited. Previously, we have demonstrated that CJ treatment controls oxidative stress in several organs, with the most evident effect in the brain. In this study, we examined the capability of CJ for protection against Parkinson's disease (PD) in a rotenone (ROT) rat model. Wistar rats were administered with CJ in a dose of 500 mg/kg b.w./day (i.g.) and subcutaneously injected with ROT (1.3 mg/kg b.w./day). The experiment lasted 45 days, including 10 days pretreatment with CJ and 35 days combined treatment with CJ and ROT. We quantified the expression of alpha-synuclein and apoptosis markers in the midbrain, performed microscopic examination, and assessed postural instability to evaluate the CJ neuroprotective effect. Our results indicate that the juice treatment provided neuroprotection, as evidenced by declined alpha-synuclein accumulation, Bax and cleaved/active caspase-9 expression, and normalized cytochrome c level that was accompanied by the enhancement of neuronal activity survival and improved postural instability. Importantly, we also found that long-term administration of CJ alone in a relatively high dose may exert a deleterious effect on cell survival in the midbrain.